At Aspire, we specialise in supporting people across Salford who are living with Dementia including their families, carers, and friends. We understand the impact that dementia can have on those other than the person diagnosed, and we are here to help you with practical and emotional support at every stage.
We can guide you through the first steps following a dementia diagnosis, helping you to understand what dementia support is available in the Salford area. Our Dementia and Older Persons Lead is Chris Sewards and he is available to offer guidance on the practical steps you can take to make life with dementia a little easier, and to be a listening ear for when you need it most.
Caring for someone with dementia can feel lonely and isolating at times, especially if you have other family members who also need help and support or other commitments too. Our dementia-friendly Forget Me Not Cafe provides daily opportunities for you to spend time with your loved one, enjoy activities organised by the Spirit of Salford award winning volunteer group, Aspire 2 Age Better, or meet with others who have also been affected by dementia and who can help to support you.
We also play host to the wonderful Dancing with Dementia, every Wednesday, who provide opportunities for people living with dementia to come together and enjoy live music in a supportive, welcoming environment. There’s usually a chance to get up on the dancefloor, or simply come along and meet with others sharing the same experience as you, who can offer you further support and friendship when you need it most.
When the time comes for additional support, our Poppy Day Centre provides day opportunities for your loved one to enjoy, in a friendly and welcoming environment, allowing you to take time away from caring duties safe in the knowledge that your loved one is being cared for by our highly trained team.
For more information on how we can help to support you, please get in touch below or call 0161 607 7101.