Leading care provider Aspire Care and Support, based in Swinton, are hosting their annual Dementia Memorial this December offering local residents an opportunity to come together and remember their loved ones during the festive season.
“We understand that whilst Christmas is often a joyful time filled with celebrations and love, but it can also be tinged with sadness if we are facing it without a loved one or are caring for someone with dementia as we think of Christmas’s past. We hope event will offer people strength, as we stand together to reflect on happier times and remember those we love, and an opportunity to take some time out of the busy season for reflection” said Lisa Dickinson, CEO of Aspire for Intelligent Care and Support.
“Everyone is welcome to attend, you do not need to have been supported by Aspire. We are all united in our loss to dementia and encourage you to join us for an evening of reflection and hope” continues Lisa.
The not-for-profit organisation specialises in supporting people with Dementia and their families, as well as those with learning difficulties or complex needs. Having supported many families in the area the organisation recognised that there was a need for people to remember their loved ones during the festive season and held their first memorial service last December. This year, the Dementia Memorial Service will take place on Thursday 12th December, from 5pm at the Humphrey Booth Resource Centre on Worsley Road in Swinton.
On arrival guests will be able to enjoy mince pies and hot drinks in the Forget Me Not Café whilst enjoying a festive performance by local singer, Michelle Lee. A remembrance tree will be lit with festive lights during the ceremony, with guests able to place their own personalised baubles or dedications on the tree before it begins. A selection of baubles will be available for visitors to personalise with your own heartfelt messages or to fill with your own items, such as photographs, which you can bring with you to the event. A suggested donation of £5 per bauble will help to raise proceeds for wellbeing activities at Poppy Dementia Support, located at Humphrey Booth, which supports people living with dementia and their families.
The memorial service will commence at 6pm and will be held outside in the grounds of the Humphrey Booth Resource Centre. Guests will hear from Aspire CEO Lisa Dickinson, and volunteers from the Aspire 2 Age Better group before a final vocal performance finale by Michelle Lee and two minutes of remembrance and reflection. Following the service, visitors will be able to take their baubles home to place on their own tree.
“We once again look forward to hosting this event, and hope that it can bring people together to remember and celebrate those dear to them.“ said Chris Seward, Dementia Lead at Aspire. “We welcome anyone who has lost someone to, or is living with, Dementia to come and mark the occasion, or anyone wishing to remember a loved one for reasons of their own.”
Entry to the Dementia Memorial Service is free and is open to anyone who would like to attend to remember a loved one, regardless of why they are no longer with us. For more information, please contact 0161 607 7101 or email aspire@iamaspire.org.uk.